Dominique Perrault Architecture


24 | 01 | 2020

The Olympic Village moves forward / First Architects Workshop at DPA

Februarz 21st, 2020

The first coordination workshop gathering all architects of the future ZAC Olympic and Paralympic Village Paris 2024 took place on DPA’s premises on Tuesday January 21st, 2020.

Following the making of the urban master plan, Dominique Perrault Architecture is in charge of the design of the public spaces and the supervision and architectural coordination of the entire project, with the architectural teams who will be in charge of designing them. 

The allocated workspace hosts regularly the architectural teams, the SOLIDEO (Société de Livraison des Ouvrages Olympiques, Olympic Games Delivery Authority) and some meetings from the International Olympic Committee and centralizes the design and coordination workshops, making it thus the beating heart of the future Olympic Village. 

The first workshop gathered the 23 architects and landscape planners of sectors A, B, D and E of the future neighborhood, representatives of SOLIDEO, as well as the Architecte of the Bâtiments de France (architectural review board) of Seine Saint-Denis. 

After this work session, each team presented the advancement of theirs studies on their sector. The DPA firm thus revealed the first compilation of these projects, which resulted from an important assembly work. This overall view of the Village will allow the design and coordination team of the ZAC to ensure the coherence of the proposed projects in relation to the general guidelines, as well as between them. 

This workshop also constitutes the first step in the construction of a giant model of the entire neighborhood (scale 1/200), gathering all the models from the participating teams. 

Two other future workshops are scheduled until the submission of the construction permit from April to June 2020.

The 22 permits will be the first urban authorizations “in two stages” set up by the DRIEA (Direction régionale et interdépartementale de l’Équipement et de l’Aménagement d’Île- de-France). They will synthesize the two phases of the construction of the project (stage 1: Olympic Games phase / stage 2: Heritage phase). 

Architects and Landscape planners:

CoBe Architecture 
KOZ Architectes 
- Lambert Lénack 
Barrault Pressaco 
- SOA Architectes 
- Atelier Georges 
- uapS 
- Brenac et Gonzales 
ECDM Combarel-Marrec 
- NP2F 
- Atelier Pascal Gontier 
- Post-Office architects 
- Chaix & Morel 
- Triptyque Architecture 
- Clément Vergély 
Lina Ghotmeh Architecture 
- Béal & Blanckaert 
- Gaëtan le Penhuel Architectes 
-  Wagon Landscaping
-  Platane & Illć