Dominique Perrault Architecture


27 | 07 | 2020

Winning project / The Third Hebei International Urban Planning and Design Competition

DPA is the winner of the Hangang District Urban Design International Master Competition (City of Handan, China)

The study carried out by DPA on Hangang district, in the city of Handan (Hebei Province), develops an adapted and flexible urban development strategy. The area represents about a quarter of the city's territory, composed of very heterogeneous built elements, an important industrial heritage, and a great variety of landscapes. The industrial heritage formed the starting point for the new development of the Hangang district, as did the geographical reality of the site, which guided its design process and organization. The proposal defines a set of tools, offering the necessary flexibility for its future adaptation and the development of mixed and varied architectures.

The city of tomorrow

The intervention follows 4 main principles aimed at ensuring the coherence of the city, functional, resilient, and deeply rooted in its time: 
- The preservation and cultural enhancement of the industrial heritage.
- The valorization of the landscape and the creation of new green spaces, including a large garden-park that runs throughout the district and preserves the existing trees. 
- Optimization and development of water resources, including the development of the banks of the Qin River, which runs through the site. 
- The development of mixed, connected and flexible programs, based on the concept of Hôtel Métropole developed by DPA. 

A "toolbox" of ideas defines the district's shape and density. The movements of this silhouette are linked to the urban and geographical environment, marking with high points the doors of the district, or accompanying with low points the surrounding streets. Each of the elements that make up the new district protects and enhances the industrial heritage of the site, while allowing the reception of new programs and circulation axes. Finally, through the combination of various densities, the project aims for a harmonious balance between city and nature.
This approach, through a "toolbox" strategy, confirms the need to move away from the rigid urban planning of the 20th century, where functions and programmes were carefully planned and unable to absorb change. The proposed Masterplan wishes to provide an impulse for the future development of Handan. An outstanding example of 20th century industrial urban planning, Hangang district will hopefully be an example of resilient urban planning.


多米尼克·佩罗建筑事务所- 明日之城 -多米尼克·佩事务所方案宗旨是创建一个富有多样性、适应性和宜居性的邯郸明日之城,方案设计意图主要围绕四大轴线展开:水景观资源利用(WATER)、生态聚落的开发(GREEN CITY)、遗产的保护发展(HERITAGE)以及城市客厅(HOTEL METROPOLE)的创建。其中前三大轴线是由基地现状分析即可得出的结论,而为了确保其有机的紧密联系,更加有效串联经济结构与功能使用发展,多米尼克·佩为其添加了第四图层媒介元素——城市客厅(HOTEL METROPOLE),这是由多米尼克·佩罗创造的一个城市规划设计理论,旨在创建一个可根据世界各地城市生活变化进行调整的可适应性城市研究方法。 这四大轴线贯穿于设计策略的每一个层面,在某种程度上,它们就像渲染在宣纸上的水彩画:相互融合, 呈现作品的完整性。