The second edition of "Réinventer Paris" call for projects focused on the transformation of the underground spaces.
Unveiled at the Pavillon de l'Arsenal on January 15, in the presence of the mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo, and the deputy mayor of Paris, in charge of town planning, architecture, economic development and competitiveness, the project "Aérog'Art" is laureate for the Esplanade des Invalides site.
The site will host by 2025 a mixed program, focused on art and crafts.
The Esplanade des Invalides, a vestige of the 1900 World Fair, is owned by the City of Paris and the SNCF. It includes the Invalides old station, transformed in 1948 into a terminal and now managed by Air France, which hosts a RER C exit and a connection to lines 8 and 13 of the metro. The building of 3 800m ² includes three levels including one in the basement. Under the esplanade des Invalides, an huge underground space extends over 18 000m² between the Fabert street and the terminal. Developed with Emerige, Nexity and SemParisSeine, the Aerog'Art project will transform the vast infrastructure into a new architecture, open to the city through multiple new uses, while retaining as much as possible the heritage qualities of its existing architecture.
The project will include:
- An exhibition space dedicated to the art and crafts, with spaces of workshops and showrooms, in the volume of the old Invalides station.
-A children museum (6-12 years old) and a food market in the basement spaces.
-A courtyard of 1200m² along the building, as a public place, giving access to the RER and to the preserved restaurant "Chez Françoise".
Update, November 2022
Announcement of the installation of the Giacometti Foundation's museum-school on the site of the former Invalides terminal. The architectural, heritage and landscape work begun in 2019 is continuing with the services of the State, the City of Paris, Emerige, Nexity and, from now on, the Giacometti Foundation. This project will be the subject of a new communication in the course of 2023.
Caution, the information and images presented on this page predate the Giacometti Foundation's museum-school project. They are therefore not related to it.
Architects: Dominique Perrault architecte (mandataire), Pierre-Antoine
Gatier (architcte en chef des Monuments historiques)Project leader: Emerige
Team: Nexity, NJJ Project Five, GLP Design, Louis Benech paysagiste,
SemParisSeine, Henri-Jobbé duval HJD&Cie, The Street society, Artelia,
Somete, MDS Consulting, Jean-Paul Lamoureux, Elan, Grahal, Oli-Oli, Chez