Dominique Perrault Architecture


2015   |   2019

Refurbishment of the Pascal Towers in La Défense

Paris, Puteaux, France

"The Pascal Towers, built in the 1980's, have not been provided with any sense of viability. Yet, we now have to push for the construction or the renovation of such assets  in order to transform them into sustainable buildings, entrenched in the heart of viable districts for a sustainable metropolis. As its new name indicates, LANDSCAPE will offer to its users exeptional views. The whole will be dominated by natural light and will provide us with outstanding, adaptable and evolving spaces to answer to new customs.
client ALTAREA COGEDIM ENTREPRISES, 8 avenue Delcassé, 75008 Paris
architect Dominique Perrault Architecture

Start of the studies 2015
delivery of the project (anticipated) 2019

location Tours Pascal A&B, 92 800 Puteaux-La Défense
 built area~65 900 m²

program bureaux, salles de réunion, restaurant et café  inter-entreprises, centre de conférence avec auditorium de200 places, parking (430 places de voitures et 120 places de 2 roues)

HQE Rénovation "Exceptionnelle"
BREEAM "Excellent"
WELL "Good"
Effinergie BBC Rénovation